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Blue Pale Idiot


Look at him! Hes a Blue Pale Idiot!

by DanTDMisabluepaleidiot November 29, 2021

12๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pale blue idiot

refers to DanTDM when he had his stupid blue hair and looked like an idiot

SOMEONE: hey have you seen a pale blue idiot?

by dovewastaken1 June 27, 2022

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Why are you such an idiot?

A common question asked to 99% of the population because they are idiots.

"Hey, Fitzy why are you such an idiot?"Answer: "Duh..."

by GNUJunkie December 9, 2011

24๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

half-grown idiot

A way to insult an exceptionally stupid and naive person; meant to imply that they have not yet graduated to being a full-grown idiot.

Early to mid 1900's colloquialism from south-central rural Pennsylvania.

Boy, I'll tell ya'... that Bob Johnson down the street must be some kinda' half-grown idiot!

by GoodWord July 25, 2011

Half time idiot

Basically, someone who's really smart. But half the time... They're a complete fucking idiot. Probably about the worst game of "ask for advice" Russian Roulette you could ever ask for.

"Yo. My friend's like one of the smartest guys around. But he doesn't understand why people share to him their moments of happiness when something good happens."

"Is he a half time idiot?"

"I dunno man. I'm really starting to think so. He thinks lots of things are labeled as TMI that... really aren't."

"Yep. Sounds like a half time idiot."

by Deidara Katsufuyu June 2, 2016

stupid idiotic moron

someone thats such a **** that they are a stupid idiot mixed with a moron that they need to die

*this guy getting killed in fortnite so he calls the guy who killed him a stupid idiotic moron*

by the meme that eats poop September 24, 2020

i am a idiot

Well ok then i now

I am a idiot
Yes you are

by Firewarior03 August 16, 2017