cut liffs are the sleeve of a striped t-shirt worn by jerm bot. he created this term on 8/18/19. he later became known as a genius and identified as a e-boy. if you are not subscribed to jerm bot on youtube pls proceed to do so.
ppl in art school:the cuffs of a shirt are really important.
jerm bot: the cut liffs are so aesthetic periodt.*HiTs ThE WoAh*
A cut(s) sustained during coitus caused by fingernails, teeth, switch blade etc. Usually occurs during climax.
This morning, I received a coitus cut when my wife drove her freshly manicured nails through my flesh as she received the D.
(Verb) To trim your hanging ball pubes while you straddle a trash bucket, using your scissors to snip pubes and let them fall like feathers into the trash.
(Adj) A description of someone or something that has the looks of a trimmed or shaved ball sac.
(Noun) A cut that trims or shaves the pubes of a ball bag, leaving it fresh and enjoyable.
Charlie had to dangle cut in the privacy of his bathroom, so his mother would not see his balls flap over a can.
"Holy Shit, You see that guy's head, dangle cut scary."
John's dangle cut was the best in town.
To brush teeth. Also phrased "kill the cow", "cut the cherry cow", "kill the cherry cow", "kill the cow and cook it with cherries" or similar phrases.
"Make sure you cut the cow before you go to sleep."
To be sloppy or leave out important bits on purpose, especially when in a hurry.
We need to cut corners to finish on time.
look at this nigga cutting headphones