Source Code

Algerian kiss

An Algerian kiss is the act of dipping your face in a woman’s chest and shake the head

I gave her an Algerian kiss

by SANDRO RIB May 30, 2022

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Meat kiss

Kissing one's penis

I don't get it, I see straight girls with their toungues down eachother's throats but I give my homie one little meat kiss and suddenly I'm gay.

by FratBoiFly August 20, 2017

Edinburgh Kiss

When a woman bites off a man's tongue in the course of a street brawl, followed by the severed tongue being snatched up by a nearby seagull.

I watched some dude get an Edinburgh Kiss the other day.

by theolaa February 22, 2021

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STFU kiss

The kind of kiss when you want your girlfriend or boyfriend just to shut the fuck up.

He was explaninig to his girlfriend a long boring story so she gave him a STFU kiss.

by brencelj October 10, 2011

Demon Kiss

When you're in a bad situation, "close to hell", and you kiss your s/o.

"We thought we were going to die so we gave each other a demon kiss."

by Shellbeea July 30, 2016

hipster kiss

The action of two bespectacled folks clicking the corner their thick frames together when actually kissing would be too faux pas.

Eleanor and Jude were on their first date at the rowdy bar downtown. When Jude bought her a PBR, she leaned in to kiss him, then rethought it after acknowledging their surroundings and instead tapped the corner of her plastic glasses against his in a hipster kiss.

by annabeerigby December 28, 2010

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Sloppy Kiss

1. Noun - a kiss given of wet or very moist lips.

2. Noun - Kissing someone with liquor in the mouth and swapping said liquor.

Raymond loves giving sloppy kisses with those minors.

by ShaunAnakin November 9, 2008

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