Source Code

Movie Mc

An M C Usually In Rhyme Droppin Lyrics In Random Places While Filming Themselfs Is The Movie Mc

Theres Mc Pinball 1 Droppin That Movie Mc Lyrical Madness

by The V ONE 2nd To None September 9, 2019

Movie Theater Analogy

Slang used for when you illegally transport large amounts of cocaine across the U.S border.

I used the movie theater analogy when I was coming home from Mexico last year.

by Zanahoria Gringo May 21, 2021

recovery movie

A movie you watch after having sex.

yo jenny u tryna watch a recovery movie?

yeah let me get cleaned up.

by jag083 April 27, 2020

shit movie

shit movies, well are movies that are complete nonsense and pure crap like Foodfight and Santa Claus Conquers The Martians which is an Antoine's favorite movie

this movie is shit, it's a shit movie

by Ya Friend October 8, 2019

dive movie

A low budget movie that never made it to theaters(mainstream)

Man. That was a total dive movie!

by celicasupra October 31, 2015