The sexy Jewish kid that has a big dong. He is also very good in bed even though everyone thinks he's gay he always says no homo, and his brain is the size of JEWpiter
Dan Cohen is know for assassinating hitler.
When the female is giving a blowjob, and the male sticks his fingers up his ass and shoves the feces into her nose
I just gave my girl a dirt dan, she called the police, and I'm in jail now.
Please subscribe to Dan Datcoldness and Dan's Music Channel they are great!
Funniest guy in the world, women love it and men want to befriend him
A person who refrains from illicit substances before the age of 18. Who then proceeds to full on junky by 25.
Oh mate be careful I think you’re taking part in the Dan Clark Effect
A overweight Aerospace worker who thinks he is the best, but only does tool marks and scratches. And likes to tell on people.
Leave it to Dan Brown, he has the sand paper.