(According to a 73 year old dude, a regular customer of mine at the bar where I bartend… after his 9th beer)
It means you’re swift… and prettier than all the stars in the sky.
(This was the definition he gave me after I thought he had just called me a FAT FUCK lol 🤣🤣🤣)
Upon further research, I learned that it also means “Promiscuous”! … that dirty bird!)
“Can you close my bar tab, you fast fox?”
16 of september, the day musician north bloom hit 100k plays of his song the fox
fox: yo guess what day it is
raccoon: what
fox: FOX DAY!
raccoon: ok.
fletcher fox is an absolute fuck nob, fuck wart, fuck face, fuck brain, fuck stain that eats John marnies dick cheese for a living
You just witnessed some crazy shi with your eyes that’s newsworthy.
POV: you’re watching a party turn into a brawl
You: Man this shi wild on fox
“These cars movin crazy on fox”
Fucking something up, like a World Series broadcast.
Everything was going great until Bill came over and FOXed everything up!
The biggest weeabo in the world according to a mental insane piss rabbit and the most heterosexual bear in the world
Ffionn fox please tell me i'm hot
an underrated movie/book where a child (Willy)'s grandfather almost dies and then Willy goes against an adult (Stone Fox) whos probably 26 years older than him and then Willy's dog fucking dies at the end while Stone fox threatens to shoot anyone who tries to win the race except Willy
me: i just cried when willy's dog died during the Movie Stone Fox
my friend: me too like wtf movie