When you, or someone else is at a party and they just don't fit in. Eg, sober at a phrat party. Common name for this person is "Gary". Often think they're the main attraction but everyone just wants them to leave. Gives of a rapey/ creepy vibe.
"Man, i showed up to this party after work on Friday, everyone but me was wasted. I was a real beef cheeks on the chin but I stuck around anyway. Drove home sober at midnight"
To inform someone they have visble submental fat or a double chin for the purpose of shaming them into having facial liposuction, or other related treatments, and or to begin to diet and excercise.
I'm sorry to double chin check you like this Pacho, but if you really want to get in my pants you should think about neck liposuction, here's my surgeons card.
To inform a person that they have submental fat or a double chin for the purpose of shaming them into having facial liposuction.
I hate to double chin check you Pacho, but if you want to get into my pants then you should think about getting facial liposuction under your chin, here's my surgeons card.
noun; person who wears a protective face covering, such as a surgical mask, placed around their bottom lip and chin providing inadequate protection from the contraction or spreading of a contiguous communicable virus or disease (such as COVID-19) done in either an act of rebellion/refusal or out of complete inept ignorance.
1. Chris is real Chin Strap; every time he enters the room he's got his mask on wrong. 2. I'm not going in there, there's too many Chin Straps all over the place
Reiss pennycook's thoughts in class
*no one*....... *reiss* CHINSTRAPS!!!!!!
chin straps
When a black guy has a beard wider than his head, or has the appearance of an afro on his chin.
Leroy needs to shave he has a little fro chin going on.
One that is has a bubbly personality that loves some meow meow. A little vain but that okay. Talks a little too much and that’s not okay.