The act of punching a female in the vagina.
This woman wouldn't stop arguing with me so I coyote punched her!
A slang term for 'Monster' energy drink.
"Yo, B, gimme some of that Kyle Punch, I'm about to go fuck up this drywall..."
When you are having sex with your partner from behind and just before climax you punch them hard in the kidneys.
I gave my girlfriend a royal punch last week, she hasn't stopped pissing blood.
Somebody who likes to take most if not all anger out on his/her mother, due to the naked true that they like to suck dick for a hobby. Preferably Chad.
Chad likes to use all negative force towards one's mother. Mother Punch.
Name of a game similar to slug bug , were the players that see a Honda Pilot first get to punch the other players. Originated in Houston,TX
Hey look !!! Pilot Punch !!!, BAM .
The Cunt punch is a basic combat manoeuvre that involves punching a woman in the vagina, almost exclusively in an uppercutting fashion. The cunt punch is generally administered to a woman that is displaying attributes that can be described and or categorised as "cunty".
"That woman at McDonalds was being a bitch and asking to see the manager, so I gave her the meanest Cunt punch"
The use of a plastic bag wrapped around the hand and arm to shove an obstuctive piece of fecal matter around the u-bend of a toilet.
Wow that dump was so big I had to Ballon punch it down!