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When something (or someone) smells really bad.

Jillian: Guys I just opened this can of chickpeas it is so stinky like farts!
Everyone: Jillian it’s not the chickpeas that are stinky... it’s you and your farts
Jillian: Guys I swear it’s the chickpeas!!!!
Everyone: Okay stinky

by jjwhatwhat12345 March 30, 2020


some stinky kid in my primary school

Stinky people are people that dont shower for a period of time

by iplaygamers March 15, 2022


a word you call your friends or siblings.

sister1: i hate our brother
sister2: yeah, hes so stinky!

by stinky caca September 11, 2023



Cami is so stinky

by .hfhsdoujfhrdn/xpfi;g vjdm July 2, 2022


A nickname to call your boyfriend who farts a lot without shame

Hey stinky :3

Him: Noo

by loveyesong May 26, 2021


The best comeback to a losing conversation. Even if it is unnecessary or it doesn't make sense, it will still be good.

The Orbital Mechanics of ascending from a high altitude is very advanced should be taught if necessary. Well you're Stinky.

by Cruise Man April 12, 2021


Someone who cheats in the game of Rust because they're unable to play legitmately.

That guy cheated in Rust. What a stinky.

by NunyaWhoozywhatsit January 14, 2024