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match down

When some bros get together to smoke up...I bring a qtr you bring a qtr and we match down and smoke up...I bring a half, you bring a half...etc

Match down, eveybody kicks in the same amout and then its a smoke down

by D-town smoke February 12, 2014

trending down

Where the subject referred to is becoming less popular and/or incurring less activity on the internet.

Futurama is trending down courtesy of it's cancellation.

by quesondriac February 2, 2014

Smacked down

The effect of swallowing an ecstacy pill. the effects usually make people more uncontrolable making them dangerous!

man when my pupils expand and i look like i'm about to kill someone i be smacked down!

by Derron February 22, 2009

down to f***

When a male or female is okay with having sex.

Yea bae, I'm down to f***.

She's always down to f***.

by iNataliee November 11, 2015

Down Counter

A degenerate computer engineer who uses inferior methods in loop counting.

Man that guy is such a down counter! He starts every loop at the top value.

by timreth May 5, 2023

Down Depressed

The feeling of being overly sad over something that won't matter later on down the line.

Brando was down depressed after getting his test back.

by Beema23 January 27, 2021


When you and another person have sex so hard that it causes one of you to fart.

Jason and Chrysanthemum's boom-down shook the entire town of Bend.

by Old_hank August 4, 2020