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pumping cock in sync

usually performed while watching porn, but also applicable while watching live sex at a party

the act of matching the penetration depth of cock in observed fornication to the depth of one's own cock in one's own hand or other cock stroking device

balls deep in observed fornication pull hand down to match either to base of cock or to the limit of stimulation of hand

boxers all the way down, lube ready, porn site loaded and porn playing, reality melts away pumping cock in sync, usually jizzing before video ends

repeat until unable to get hard again in lieu of fornicating.

by pumps alot February 21, 2012

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Pumped Up Kicks

"Pumped Up Kicks” is an indie pop song by Foster the People which was originally released as the band’s debut single in September 2010. The song’s lyrics are written as a monologue from the perspective of a homicidal teenager, who fantasizes about murdering other youths with β€œpumped up kicks” with a gun. Its a meme guys, so chill.

When the white kid everyone is bullying reaches for his backpack singing "Pumped Up Kicks"

by WatchdogEXE January 30, 2018

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

dirty gas pump

after doing a girl in the ass pull out and stick it in her mouh. then proceed to pee in her mouth. thus replicating a gas pump

i totaly gave a girl a dirty gas pump

by johnnyb1227 March 15, 2008

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one pump hj

The act of initiating and finishing a hand job in one, earth-shatteringly pleasurable pump. It cannot be completed more than once in any 24 hour span, or the receiver will die a horrible, agonizing death.

Feeling spicy, the middle-aged man asked for an OPHJ. The crazy lady obliged...steadied herself, and in one quick motion finished the man off with a loud yell followed by a quick jerking motion. Groaning, the man immediately fell asleep on the floor. Thus, she had performed the fabled one pump hj.

by bluejayxcCampy February 19, 2009

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exploding fist pump

An expressive hand gesture in which the individual thrusts their hand forward in a fist in front of them; traditionally extended from the chest parallel to the ground outward. At this point the individual expands the fingers, and then retracts their hand while oscillating their fingers individually upward and downward. This motion is typically used to indicate the individuals proposed ease of completion through which an action was purportedly difficult to achieve.

Jerry was so excited that his okcupid profile got 3 profile views that as he was recalling each of their names to his friends he emphasized each with an exploding fist pump.

by myOtherPseudonymWasTaken May 7, 2010

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pump pocket

another name for a vagina

He stuck his dick in her pump pocket

by skylarskank July 5, 2008

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Lil pump

The realist nigga ever, u already noe he comes in with dat sauce

And flex’s like ouu, better watch out cuz dat nigga will put it in ur goddie hole at 2 am

Oh shit, not my goddie hole lil pump
Lil pump: Essketet

by Kuddle kats bitch January 21, 2018

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