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too superstitious by half

used to emphasize something considered bad.

"the idea seems too superstitious by half"

by Arminkshipper July 19, 2024

too lawng ago

Refers to a period of time following an event that is too lengthy for any legal action to be taken.

I never intentionally misbehave, but I know that I still made lots of naive-minded screw-ups as an adolescent. However, now that I'm in my fifties and seeing as how I still have a 100%-clean criminal record, I assume that those accidental-slip-up events during my teenage years were way too lawng ago for me to be concerned about any legal action's ever being taken against me regarding them --- not only would the statute of limitations likely have expired decades ago, but most of the folks who'd been involved in those errors would either have forgotten about them or passed on by this time.

by QuacksO November 17, 2020

Too sweet

When somebody has reached the point that you see them for what they truly are and you realize that they're just "too much" and you'd rather not have them in your life like when somebody hands you a pastry or something very sweet like a candy and it's just "too much" to handle.

I was dating Armando and I realized he's just 'TOO SWEET' for me ..

by Yhwhyeshualorenzo December 12, 2024

I love you too

When smb doesn't want to say I love you back or they just don't mean it but they don't want to be mean and not say it back.

Gf: I love you!
Bf:I love you too!

by Algleaa January 23, 2025

smoke too tough

When your bitch is too bad, your swag is too different, so much so that someone might make an attempt in your life - that's when you're smoking too tough

i.e. what happened to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ

Techno Mechanicus Musk, you have to stop. You smoke too tough. Your swag too different. Your bitch is too bad. they’ll kill you

by ItFeltSoReal April 21, 2024

my too

When reffering to your cock

guy: this house is so big

other guy: my too

by Sussyposter September 9, 2021

add cheese too

An, eccentric way to simply say yes when offered. Can be compared to replying to an offer by saying yeah,duh or of course! etc. Can also be used in different manors such as agreeing with your homies statement, {Refer to example 2 for a better understanding of it being used in this context.}

Example 1:
Guy 1:My girls coming over after the she leaves the tanning bed, shes with ole girl she works with with them thighs, should I have my girl try and bring her over when she come?
Example 2: shiiitttt, add cheese too anything to see that box. again!

Example 2:
Person 1: Those new challenger hellcats are nasty,
Person 2: mhmm 545horse power with cheese and all that, bet.

by BouutitBologna February 3, 2019