''Another Fucking Kantian'' refers to the philosopher Emmanuel Kant and the followers of his philosophy. AFK is said when being done with hearing about Emmanuel Kant
He follows categorical imperative? AFK
adv Mindlessly or without deliberate thought, especially in the context of online gaming
This matchup is easy, you just AFK farm and you eventually outscale
Short for 'Ass Fucking Kids', pedophiles and nerds will often use this and cover it up by saying they simply stepped away from keyboard because they're too ashamed and don't want to be arrested.
Person A: AFK baby acting up.
Person B: I'm calling the cops.
(noun) a person who likes gays
wow that Afk guy really likes gays!
Away From Keyboard , Pretty much meaning they arent on their device
Roblox player 1: AFK Roblox Player 2 : Okay ill wait for u to be back so we can grind