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Who Asked

a term used by people who gets absolutely no bitches whatsoever.

"Yo, I beat the final level in this game bro"


"Me, I just-"


by ravensmommymilkers March 10, 2022

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Didnt ask

The thing someone says when they cant argue anymore and know you are right, Typically said in a bitchy tone by that one tiktok "Star" who you are 90% sure will be homeless when they grow up

Guy 1; you are a fucking bitch; you know that
Guy 2; Oop, didnt ask tsktsktsk

by RacistKid November 8, 2020

27πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

don’t ask

Implies that someone did something obvious, and does not want to be questioned about it.

Wife: how many Michelobs did you drink for dinner?

Husband: Don’t ask...

by VD Peruvian October 16, 2017

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Didn't Ask

Used in a situation where a person is voicing their opinion on a matter that no one asked about.

***Group of people talking about which is their favourite episode of the big bang theory ***
Lowell: "Did you guys know that Sekiro is a harder and more advanced game than Dark souls"
Gristian Gorbett: "Didn't ask"

by ghostyboi91 May 12, 2021

18πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Ask Gates

An automatic chat bot that portraits the persona of Bill Gates, similar to iGod in its nature, but original in essence.
Fun if you are bored

"I went to Ask Gates.com and had a talk with Bill Gates"

by pabloss August 4, 2008

Ask again

When someone asks a dumb question or is being dumb or stupid

Boy 1: Why am I a simp
Everyone else: Ask Again

by Dinosaurthings May 29, 2020

ask derrick

derrick is a claw hammer, whose decision is usually final. when faced with a decision, derrick always obliges a suitable answer. derrick can decide if a vehicle part is suitable for resale, if a window should be open, or if the office calculator needs replacing.

is that switch fucked?
i dont know, let me ask derrick.
(swift firm downward smashing action to the switch)
yep, its fucked!

boss, can we have a new calculator?
but derrick decided we need a new one?

by george was a goldfish May 12, 2013