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Aw sha

It really just means "aw how sweet."
It's like going "aawwwwwwwwwwww" , but for bayou people.

Aw sha (:

by Jollyrancherpants March 11, 2011

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


When you are beyond Awesome because being Awe-full is above some and this puts you over the top and above and beyond feeling awesome, amazing and great. Be Awe-full with two LL and you are beyond happy. So put a negative word and turn it into positivity feeling in life.

Oh I’m so awe-full with two LL that I’m beyond awesome. Full of life and happiness let’s be Awe- FULL

by Glpchick9 October 24, 2019

aw hell

answer to everything.

"hey girl lets kick it"
"aw hell"

by dont worry bout it. November 26, 2006

37πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Awful Adriane

An Awful Adriane is In adult woman that preys on boy scouts. Will often keep merit badges as trophies from boy scouts she has violated. Term originates from the mid-Willamette Valley region after an area den mother was accused of lewd and inappropriate behavior with local scouts. Police found over three dozen merit badges in her purse upon her arrest.

"Forget about queer scout leaders -- I hear that local den mother is an Awful Adriane!"; "Mom I don't want to go to scouts any more -- I think Mrs. Martin is an Awful Adriane!"; "What are doing with Porey's merit badge sash!? Are you one of those sick Awful Adrianes?!"

by MrCrackle February 27, 2014

Something Awful

A comedy website run by Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka which is known for being the last bastion of completely irreverent humor. I mean, come on, face it, anything can be funny if you look at it the right way. Remember - tragedies kill people, laughing at tragedies doesn't.

Don't like people who will joke about anything? You don't ever have to visit something awful. No one's going to make you, I promise.

I was totally on the internet yesterday, man. I was over at those forums they got on that something awful, it was some serious business.

by j00sb0x February 23, 2005

1927πŸ‘ 627πŸ‘Ž

Aw fuck

See Oh Shit for definitions and examples.

*Something bad happens* "AW FUCK!"

See Oh Shit for more.

by JSwanson December 14, 2007

33πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

aw shucks

another way of saying damn, jeepers, gosh, oh you shouldn't have, or phooey

Aw shucks. I burned off my wiener with the heater.

by i swear to god i'm not drunk November 8, 2005

225πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž