a bad boy who is shah
a person who doesn't know how to rap
your big gorilla
josh- hey badshah whats 35+34?
badshah- itsho bad boy shah
When you question, awaken from or reject the current reality that is presented to you for the real reality waiting on the other side of the door.
its not conative dissonance your feeling, its the bad boy bubby affect.
lyrics referenced from queen Lily Allen. basically talking shit to wannabe coders and haxors and trollz
I need a URL bad boy.
A rebal. Collects rain water, doesn't smoke weed, or drink, purposely pays taxes late. And shops at nofrills
C'mon man! Don't be a Canadian bad boy, and pass cars on the left right hand lane!!!!
Bathroom located in bar used to consume illicit drugs ie. Cocaine.
'Oh Keith? Ya he's right lit up. Been hitting the sinus sauce all night in the bad boy bathroom'
A Male from the Boston Area that drinks a lot of titos and gets into altercations frequently.
Damn, Johnny is a real Boston bad boy.