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A subscriber of onision who watches his videos so obsessively they begin to pell their skin off while cannibalizing themselves to the point of death. Most bananas aka onision subscribers wind up dead or in the hospital due to the cancerous effect of his videos. Onision must be stopped!

Guy 1 (banana) hey have you heard of Onision
Guy 2 oh! You mean the next Hitler
Guy 1 *kills himself

by Forealzees February 14, 2017


A banana is a subscriber of onision that watches his videos obsessively to the point where they start peeling of their own skin while cannibalising themselves up to the point of death

Most bananas aka onision fans wind up dead or in hospital due the cancerous affect of his videos. Onision must be stopped

Used in a sentence guy 1: have you heard of onision? Guy 2: oh you mean the next hitler? Guy 1 kills himself as he was a banana

by Courtneyls February 20, 2017



person #1: Banana
person #2: sus

by Zeroisbeyond January 13, 2022


Banana, a subscriber of Onision who watches his videos so obsessively they begin to peel their own skin off while cannibalising themselves to the point of death.

Most bananas, aka Onision subscribers wind up dead or in the hospital due to the cancerous effect of his videos. Onision must be stopped.

Example of Banana

Guy 1: "hey, have you heard of Onision?'
Guy 2: "Oh, you mean the next Hitler?"
Guy 1: *kills himself*

by lolokboi February 13, 2017


Often used to describe Chinese Americans, or Chinese who have spent a lot of time outside of the mainland. It comes from the phrase "Yellow on the outside, white on the inside." Which matches the colors of a Banana.

"That Banana returned from studying in America, they're more white than Chinese."

by Double YouTwo April 28, 2021


Banana, a subscriber of Onision who watches his videos so obsessively they begin to peel their own skin off while cannabolising themselves to the point of death.

Hey who's your favorite YouTube.

Oh I love onision. I'm such a banana

by Ajdjxhajjqkajxj February 19, 2017


The best fucking way to kill someone. Shove that shit up somebody's nose and they dead son.

"Don't mess with me or I'll banana you."

by PICKLE GURL:/ April 9, 2021