A terrible team from the granola capital of the world. Watch out for male on male crotch grabbers at their games, it's tradition to give the guy to your left a squeeze
Blazers don't belong in the NBA.
When you creampie a woman’s ass, pinch it off, cum in her mouth, then scoop the cum out of her ass and feed it to her.
“I gave that girl the hottest blazer last night!”
“I hooked up with Franciliondo last night and she gave me the Blue Blazer.”
The main species of the plane family, the only plane that is not a subspecies.
The life of a GX Sky Blazer is long and tough, as they live for 55 billion + years. its starts of as Grumman F3F Biplane. Its is slow but play full and loves to eat OIL. then when it becomes 12 years old it becomes a F-86 Sky blazer. A young and fast plane with the max speed of 1,120 km. A hansom looking plan it can pick up female planes like the F-35. When it becomes 14 years old it go's through its "Kool kid" stage and becomes a F-22 raptor. It fly as fast the speed of sound and can beat up any plane in a 1v1. Once its 21 it becomes F-100 sky blazer. It now will look for females and is as fast of the speed of sound. after 20 years it again becomes a F-22 raptor. But faster,better, and kooler. it is the best plane. better that Russian or china, it is the king of kings.
Right now the GX sky blazer is 15 and is still in its Kool kid stage.
GX Sky Blazer is the main species of planes, all other planes other than the ones int this definition are not sub species.
Someone who smokes weed all the time
miss is a chronic blazer
I know, I've seen her smoke 4 zoots today. mad ting!
Male version of “butter face”
man: “that girls got a butter face.”
girl: “well sir you are just a body in a blazer.”
While mostly known as the car, the Trail Blazer is when a hairy whore leaves a gary the snail trail of penguin seamin off her pussy after rubbing it off on the carpet giving her third degree burns and a red puss.
That girl is a fucking trail blazer. You should have seen my apartment last night, bro.
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