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An acronym used to convey which types of people one will immediately block. Usually seen in bios.

Tweet: "Bigots get BOS!!"

by Gay-internet-user October 4, 2022


This is an acronym meaning "blocked on sight" often used similarly to DNI (Do not interact) in twitter/tumblr bios.

Twitter bio: Furry 🦊 Not cute!!! He/him 🏳️ 🌈 GAY🏳️ 🌈 dating ❀️partner's @ here❀️ Sometimes I draw. ZOOPHILES & HOMOPHOBES BOS!!!

by Gay-internet-user February 11, 2023


1. short for boyfriend
2. b.o - body odor (acronym)

1. "Heyy Chelseaaa is that your new bo?!??? :D"
2. EW she has lots of b.o D:

by whyhellothare April 5, 2010

22πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


1. (Adj.) Something good, of top quality. wicked.
2. (n.) A handsome guy. A girl's rightous lover. Should actually be spelled beau.
3. (n.) God (similar to rastafari Ja).

1. My bo hi-fi kicks ass.
2. Look at Melanie's Bo. He's ok, you know.
3. By Bo! I think she's done it!

by Brian Eakerous December 28, 2004

48πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

bo bo's

Growing up in south philadelphia in the early 80's ,this term would have been used in the ghetto for any old raggedy ass,nasty,beat up shit kicker that all of the school kids would have accused your mother of buying at the salvation army,but usually of the chuckie's variety,YOU KNOW short top with rubber tip.They were often found hanging ,like christmas ornaments from every telephone line.Those were'nt cool then,during the pre hipster era,it was shell top and gazzelle's,naw meen?Oh and just an FYI, in those days,the salvation had underware bins.For real.

And there was even a song...bo bo's, bo bo's, they make your feet feel fine,bo bo's, bo bo's,they cost a penny and a dime... Amagin that as a kid. Southwark 1984.

by ELBOWMAC December 8, 2009

73πŸ‘ 268πŸ‘Ž

no bo

Short for 'No bother'; term frequently used in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland (West of the Bann river)

Used among friends in response to a request or a thank you, essentially means 'Not a problem' or 'No worries'. (Informal)

Text between work colleagues -

Tom: Window by the kitchen is still open, forgot to close it.

Jenny: Thanks, appreciate that.

Tom: No bo!

by MerMoff June 9, 2014

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A Japanese wooden staff, used with two hands for fighting (obviously). Dontello carries one, so does Quang Chi.

"Don't make me have to get bo-jitsu on your ass, CLEAN UP YOUR ROOM!!!"

by handle187 November 7, 2003

94πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž