behaviour Referral
often used in schools, it’s another way of saying a detention, mostly after school.
‘Tom no swearing in class that’s a BR after school!’
meaning bruh, short for bruh, commonly used by gang members and fuckboys
Aye br you tryna link up later?
Did you see br walking down the street? That nigga was dressed in blue.
A shortened version of bruh. The best comeback/response to any comment, online or in real life.
Person 1: ”joe mama”
Person 2: ”Br”
Person 1: *dies*
Shortage for the word Bruh when you are tired, lazy or wanna be funny.
Someone: makes a stupid joke
Me: Br
Short for BeReal, a new social media app
Person 1: do you have a BR account that I can add?
Person 2: I don't have one. I use TikTok Now and I'm waiting for IG's upcoming copycat feature
Bong Rips, Tokes, Smoking weed out of a bong.
Hey man wanna go out for a br? Yeah man I’d love a toke right about now!