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My best friend and crush, he wears the same sweat shirt every day. He has short brown hair with bright blue eyes. 😍

Oh I love Brady!

by Ellie Stroup February 9, 2018

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


In insecure man with an extremely small penis and terrible Fortnite skills

Oh no, Brady's coming on the sesh

by 13 reasons you have missold pp May 16, 2018

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Bradys usually have blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair. They enjoy playing hockey and other sports but tend to not be very good. They think they are the bet at everything but really are not. They also like to think that all girls love them and they all do but they also have a lot of haters. Bradys are normally insecure about themselves so they like to put others down yo build up there self esteem. While bradys can be really rude at times they can be really nice. They tend to flirt with most girls and get them with there mighty fine looks. Most are fairly smart, cocky and funny. Bradys also are very sexual and are good in bed. They have huge dicks and jack off a lot. There kisses are very bad and slobbery. Also they force people into many bad things that they may want to do. Brady's are very loving in relationships and are always willing to do anything. They have amazing smiles and very pretty eyes. Sometimes they can make you feel like shit but thats only when they are on their periods

. Many Brady's are very gay.

that brady over there in an asshole

by Bobby July 25, 2014

7πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


a boy who loses to his girlfriend in everything. Whether it be checkers, name calling, racing, anything, the girlfriend always wins. This can also refer to a male who lacks talent in jokes.

Don't be a Brady, you'll be considered a sissy.

by thegreatestgirlfriendalive May 5, 2009

20πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž


The sexiest Man You will ever meet in ur life. He is hot and is probably taken if your to late to him. Has curly brown hair that goes blonde in the summer time. Has brown eyes and has a girlfriend named Lysi.

Oh look, there’s brady. And his girlfriend Lysi

by Gsjdubdhdhdjejeid Hdbrhe April 2, 2018

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A term to describe the willful destruction of one's cellphone or other electronic devices with the intent of destroying any incriminating or embarrassing information stored on it.

Bro I came close to getting busted by my girl. She accused me of stepping out on her so I had to Brady my phone by dropping it in the toilet so she wouldn't find all those pictures of me tongue plumbing her best friend. Any chance I can borrow your cell to call a cabbie?

by Kravist March 4, 2019

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That quiet kid you that seemed scary until you met him. Usually has bright blue eyes and a ripped body. Usually good at swimming and very athletic. Also very charming and can catch your eye in an instant. Great kisser and loves lots of attention, though too many people and he runs off. Never let a Brady leave your life

Girl 1: Omg!! Did you see Brady yesterday?
Girl 2: ya he looks scary.
Girl 1: just talk to him.

by Notyourguybloo January 9, 2019

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