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A typical short male, that thinks he hilarious and reuses jokes he's already said in roast. He gets picked on a lot for his height.

Omg, Brendan is so short.

by HonSoloNuts February 27, 2017

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Brendan is fat and is only addicted to video games

Brendan is stupid

by brendan forester December 5, 2018

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A huge bitch, but a great friend.

" I hate you Brendan but your cool... sometimes"

by Alois_Trancy July 5, 2018

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Brendan: A term traditionally used to represent a mentally challenged homosexual whose primary focus in life is to read, play basketball and do fortnite dances in public. Respectively known as the "gay as mf" and a "lil bitch as nigga"

Haddon: "Hey lets go to the park and steal a hot dog"

Brendan: I don't know man I j-j-u-st ca-a-nt today

by Bitchassnewlifenigga2.0 December 24, 2018

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A big retard that does not know what privacy is

Brendan stop touching my MacBook

by Imgaygaygay August 16, 2018

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A guy who crushes on his friends PE teacher and is one of the dumbest guys you meet.

Guy 1"Look at that guy over there checking out his friends PE teacher".
Guy 2 "His name must be Brendan".

by J543 May 18, 2016

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Total fucking nigger faggot. Likes to smoke weed, suck cock, and be dominated by crazy chicks (sometimes named Kellie). All-around gay boi.

Look at that Brendan ridin' that fire cock.

by FireCock6969 March 6, 2017

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