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Bristol Grade School

An epic shitty school in Bristol, Illinois. The water fountains taste like period blood. The ground itself looks like some big ass walrus took a dump everywhere. The gym is also a cafeteria where it is the size of your average bathroom. People like to throw rocks in the toilets or shit on the walls. The teachers look like meth addicts and cry very easily. There is probably 40 billion bugs in the ventilation system. The play grounds had about 50 bee hives and kids would get raped by bees. the slides were made of fucking sheet metal and wood. It's for pre-schoolers through 4th grade. They have a machine to get cripples up the stairs and it has broken and made the cripples more crippled. The library is full of shit books from the 1800's and is located in the basement.

Bristol Grade School sucks ass dude

I know!!!

by AZN_Sn1p3z April 24, 2010

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Bristol Palin syndrome

When a daughter makes her mother look hot, as Bristol Palin does to her mother.

dude 1: Veronica is so fugly, she makes her sloppy mother a milf.

dude 2: That's called Bristol Palin syndrome.

by Cunty Fresh Fanatic November 19, 2010

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Bristol, TN/VA

A smallish city which is divided over southwest Virginia and northeast Tennessee via State Street. It is the home of Bristol Motor Speedway and is also the birthplace of country music. It's a pretty place to live and a nice area to visit.

Residents frequently complain of there being nothing to do there, but this is only because they don't live in any of the surrounding towns.

Quit your bitching. Bristol, TN/VA is where Abingdonians go to have fun.

by itsmeKP September 26, 2011

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Bristol Metropolitan Academy

Some shitty inner city school that stinks of weed.

The smell of weed coming from Bristol Metropolitan Academy has reached Vassals today.

by Darth to nuews May 2, 2019

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Harvey's bristol cream

When a man ejaculates into a woman's hairbrush without her knowledge and the next day she ends up using it. This gives a wondorous sheen to the woman's hair. Not to be confused with elena's fish oil, the female version of this act.

Phil upset with his wife's cooking, decided that she needed a shot of Harvey's bristol cream, unwittingly knowing that her hair would look beautiful afterwards.

by Phillis S. Mallets January 14, 2010

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Bristol Mountain Series

A series of mountains in Bristol - England.

Nicknamed by followers of the Neeb Legend.

The higher up in the series the mountain, the more important the mountain. The mountain list is as follows:

Mt Neeb
Mt Noob
Mt Naab
Mt Nub
Mt Nib

Guy #1: Hey, wanna marry me?
Girl: Sure!
Guy #1: Let's do it on Mt Noob!
Girl: Mt Noob? No way, that's for poor people who can't afford marriages on Mt Neeb!
Guy #2: Hey, if you marry me, we can get married on Mt Neeb
Girl: Wooo!! Sure!
Guy #1: Damn you, stealing my girl just because you can afford a marriage on a mountain higher than Mt Noob in the Bristol Mountain Series!!

by The_Neeb January 4, 2006

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Bristol Grammar School

Wow. Where do I start? It is an institution of great toil and suffering, its halls guarded by a mythical beast known as The Berrington. Former pupils include:
*The guy who voiced Aragog in Harry Potter
*Someone in a Death Metal band

Innocent child: "I went to Bristol Grammar School today!"

Parent (drunkenly): "AAARGH!"

by EdmundBerrington247 December 28, 2011

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