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The reason many people in Illinois HATE living in Illinois.

"Living in Illinois wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for Chicago."

by Another Illinoisan July 12, 2019

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


An overrated rat hole of a city in the Midwest U.S., with buildings as overbearing as the people, annoying traffic jams, mediocre food, and a "same shit different block" nightlife. Terrible schools. Over-glorified sports teams. BAD SMELLS around town. Lots of racial tension due to the urban rednecks who inhabit 80% of the city. Lot's of crime all around town. Corrupt politicians, still to this day. A decent looking city wasted on fat pompous asses and wannabe toughguys, like most of those knobs who wrote the previous definitions.

Chicago is the New York of the Midwest, and that's not a good thing !

by Stevie Bartman March 14, 2007

63πŸ‘ 194πŸ‘Ž


The greatest city in the world. So beautiful and so awesome! the place that everyone secretly wants to run away to someday. but most importantly, it is the place where the greates band in the world came from

"we have to go to chicago, thats where fall out boy is from!"

"your going to chicago?! you cant go without me!"

by americasuitheart February 28, 2009

13πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Like a speck of gold in a muddy riverbed, Chicago is the pearl of an otherwise abysmal region known as β€œthe Midwest.”

"I spent my first year of college in Chicago at DePaul University. I learned that they call it "the windy city" because it truly blows to live there."

by nethcev! August 24, 2006

37πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž


I heart chi-town needs a life. New York crime-ridden? Let's do a little breakdown here, honey:

New York: 8 million people, 572 murders in 2004.
Chicago: 2.8 million people, 460 murders in 2004.

New York's murder rate: 6.9 per 100,000
Chicago's murder rate: 16.5 per 100,000

I've been to Chicago and there's no comparison to New York. Of course you think Chicago's safer, because you racists do a damn good job of hiding your poor and minorities. Outside of downtown, Chicago is indistinguishable from Detroit. There's an utter lack of quality culture compared to New York and the people are ignorant, arrogant, blue-collar Midwestern heifers. Half the people who I know from Chicago moved to New York and said it was the best thing they ever did. Only two of my friends from New York who moved to Chicago have deigned to say they like it.

So keep your segregation, your dirty lake, your even dirtier river, your autocratic mayor, your horrid public schools, your criminal police department, your high crime, and your damn Sears Tower. You are the second city and you always will be.

Wait, that's right. LA's the second city. That makes you THIRD.

If New York were shit-cago's (lack of capitalization intentional), size, it would have 193 murders a year.

If shit-cago were New York's size, it would have 1,400 murders a year.

by shit-cago March 18, 2005

94πŸ‘ 319πŸ‘Ž


City with a ridiculous and morally backwards culture, that has an overwhelmingly large amount of ignorant, narrow-minded, and racist people.

If you are colored, the white people won't treat you for who you are, but for what you are. Many of them are malicious in this sense, and enjoy the feeling and benefit of feeling superior to those they look down on, and sometimes wish to mistreat. Many white people (men especially) feel uncomfortable around colored people whose personalities do not fit within their knowledge of ignorant stereotypes, and have the tendency or desire to put down, intimidate, or mistreat a colored man who is confident, intelligent, and most importantly charismatic. If you are a colored woman, you are "allowed" to be a person, and assert an individuality, without it being rejected, because the white men do not feel threatened by colored females, and rather see them as desirable.

Nonetheless there is to this day an overwhelming amount of people who, pathetically, are still unused to or unfamiliar with the notion of colored people being people, and who still feel uncomfortable when a colored person enters the same restaurant, sits or stands nearby, offers their opinion, asserts their personality, or in general, is present. Perhaps they don't feel that colored people should have the same freedom to enjoy life. It is a sad example of the cultural denial of freedom and democracy in a modern American city.

If you really think this is untrue then take the time to stop and observe the world around you.

If you don't like an ignorant, narrow-minded and racist society, don't go to Chicago. This, is why New York is better.

by American Eye April 24, 2006

59πŸ‘ 194πŸ‘Ž


Redneck douchebag animal kingdom. Capital of the Midwest. The native Chicagoans actually take pride in being miserable assholes.

Don't be fooled by the rich rednecks here, Chicago is a total scumbag city.

by Sateyer March 15, 2007

45πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž