Source Code

Reverse calculator

Non-gendered sex position involving two people and when viewed upside down, both participants appear to be boobless.

They were engaged in the reverse calculator.

by Myprivateradio September 9, 2022

Finder Launchpad Final Cut Pro Google Chrome VLC Calendar Music Notes FaceTime Messages Maps Preview Clock QuickTime Player Weather System Settings Calculator Logic Pro Motion Keynote OBS Downloads Trash

are you so bored that you figured out my mac dock order and typed it in to urban dictionary

Get the Finder Launchpad Final Cut Pro Google Chrome VLC Calendar Music Notes FaceTime Messages Maps Preview Clock QuickTime Player Weather System Settings Calculator Logic Pro Motion Keynote OBS Downloads Trash spider

by iminhellplshelpahhh July 9, 2024

Pocket Calculation

When you touch yourself inappropriately, under the guise that you are rummaging around in your pocket for the correct change.

Often accompanied by a facial expression akin to how you would look trying to solve a particularly difficult math problem in your head.

"That girl at the Bar is hot, I might offer to buy her a drink after a quick pocket calculation"

by FaultlessDark November 4, 2016

calculator quality

grainy, low quality image, pixelated

This picture is calculator quality but I am still feeling myself!

by jus10k June 14, 2016


The calculating of possible outcomes is a process for determining the number of possible results for an event. There are various methods for conducting this process. The best way to calculate the number of possible outcomes of an event is dependent on the type of event and the structure of the event.

I didn't hear a word you said I'm Calculating the possible outcomes of everything I do .

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd November 15, 2019

fortnite calculator

Being a fortnite calculator means you love fortnite skins and fortnite cosmetics and know when every cosmetic in fortnite was last seen in the item shop and their release dates

“Bro he’s a fortnite calculator he knows when the Travis Scott skin was last seen in the shop.”

by chowduh August 3, 2023


a god that can help you on a math test

kid 1 : i got a -5 on my math test
kid 2 : i got a 100 becasue of my calculator

by nani-uwu December 7, 2020