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A Lesbian cunt. Usually carpeted, though not exclusively.

Wow, Cindy seems like a real chach muncher. Chach muncher.

by espirituweinstein March 2, 2019


An absolute boner. If "that guy" was ever actually a person it's this kid. 9/10 if your name has more than 2 syllables you're a chach

"Do you think Timothy just woke up one day and was a chach or it was a gradual process?"

by Falls1234 June 29, 2017


A person (usually male) that has blond hair, works out a lot and is loud and and obnoxious. For example Logan Paul.

"That guy checks himself out everyday in the mirror. He such a chach."

by Keira the loganster September 17, 2017


Something Nicole said. Does NOT mean bitch. It’s just a name.

Person 1: woah dude ____ hung up on me last night while I was talking to her over the phone
Person 2: whatta Chach

by chachy chach August 26, 2018


Hcach but spelled backwards.

But tbf quick turnaround chach.

by 247dauntless November 2, 2020

chach tube

Another name for a tampon.

Hey, I'm on my period and I'm out of chach tubes. Can you run to the store and get some?

by sweatermuffins December 1, 2009


Chillin, hanging out

I’m just chaching with my friends.

by Bananahammock45 May 11, 2022