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Calvary Chapel Murrieta

Once a very large, very 'brain-washed' society of zombie staff, is now a revolutionized community of new teachers and kids that are smarter than previous 'rich brats' that once attended.

Having kicked out the old, brainless hag running the school into the ground, the school seems to be improving as a younger, and more competent principle has stepped forward to take the reigns.

Taking a more 'liberal' and 'open' aspect to their education surrounding the Bible, kids are not as berated as they were once before. However, the children attending the school are still gossipers and no good rich kids.

As for the Bible department, one still cannot walk if you haven't taken the fourth year; hopefully this mundane rule shall be reconsidered with the new head of the school. But, they have employed more proficient Bible teachers that no longer drill the gurgling nonsense into children's heads.

Still as expensive as hell, though.

Students of 2006-2011: "God, I f*cking hate Calvary Chapel Murrieta. I can't wait to leave to blahblahblah next year - I'm NEVER coming back to this sh*t hole!"

Students of 2012-2015: "You know what? Calvary isn't that bad any more... Once they got rid of that f*cking b*tch that used to be Principle, now it's somehow manageable. I think I'll stick it through 'til next year... Still as expensive as hell though."

by HandleIt June 7, 2014

Angel in the Chapel

An outside game played with at least four people, but it is fun with more. Everyone gathers at the base, and whoever is it tells everyone to "take a hike!" Then everyone runs away from the base (and hides if they want to) while the person who is it counts to ten. Then whoever is it yells, "angel in the chapel," and tries to tag as many people as possible before they get to the base. If someone is tagged, they will also be it next round. Then you start over, but this time everyone who was tagged is now it with the first person who was it. Once one person is left untagged, they win! And if you play again, they are it this time.

Extra Rules: If you stop touching the base, you are not safe. If you keep touching the base, anyone who touches you is also safe. You can't be within 10' of the base while the it person is counting.

You wanna go play Angel in the Chapel? It's so fun!

by qu'est-ce que c'est October 22, 2017

Chapelle Roan

your favourite artist's favourite artist

stream the rise and fall of a midwest princess<3

Yo! Chapelle Roan dropped a new song!

by Melina / Melina_swiftie13 January 15, 2025

3👍 2👎


When someone famous like Chappell disappears for a minute and their obvious clone takes over.

Hey that isn't Hillary..she got Chapelled!

by Izb October 9, 2020