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dinosaur chicken nugget

A really hot person

Viola is a dinosaur chicken nugget!

by 123134538 May 3, 2016

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Reverse chicken nugget

A person born and raised in an Arabic country who only speaks Arabic but is whiter than a line of cocaine, they call them reverse chicken nuggets cause they are white on the outside and brown on the inside

Kaleel is such a reverse chicken nugget

by Definitely not someone youknow October 20, 2018

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Chicken nugget dick

When a persons dick is the size of a chicken nugget

Damn Felipe has a chicken nugget dick

by Your dad02 January 15, 2020

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45 Chicken Nuggets

The act of going to McDonalds to get weed and going through the Drive-thru and asking for 45 chicken nuggets. They ask you to pull forward and a sketchy black guy comes out and there is a bag of weed in a to-go bag.

Customer: "yeahh lemme get 45 chicken nuggets"
Drive-Thru: "aight pull forward"
Customer: "did you put the weed in the bag?"
Drive-Thru: "Nigga I gave you "45 chicken nuggets" like you asked now gtfo"

by The Fly White Guy December 26, 2011

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Chicken nugget toe

A old woman with extremely flabby labia that dangle is such a fashion as to show through tight fitting clothing and create the illusion of a pile of chicken nuggets in her pants.

Damn she's got a big chicken nugget toe.

by Pawpincher December 13, 2014

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chicken nuggets in the water

You gay for that

bro1- hey bro u like chicken nuggets in the water?
bro2- yeah bro wbu?
bro1- nah bro u gay

by Colin'sLover June 23, 2017

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Burnt chicken nugget

A derogatory slang used to refer to large,overweight men of a brown skin tone.

OMG Samir is a burnt chicken nugget

by Able tesfey November 19, 2018

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