Chit is the new word that describes you are over all this Coronavirus shit. C for Coronavirus and hit because it hit the world.
I am so over all this Coronavirus chit!
Chit : is a term used by Members of the Crip gang to replace “shit” .
Crip#1 : Yo Cuz you seen that “Chit” that had happened the other night at the meeting.
Crip2# Yea Cuzzo that Chit was drawlin.
The clean and nice way to stop cursing
Sammy says I’m going to take a chit now
An unusual word used to greet a friend in a crowded place.
Friend 1: where are you?
Friend 2: chit? Right here
1. A better way of saying s***, the yeshivish way
2. C.H.I.T - chavrotah hours in ten
Meaning, you’ll be there in ten
Friend one: when are we studying?
Friend two: chit
a derogatory term for a white/Caucasian person (see cracker)
the meat used in tacos and burritos (sometimes pronounced cheet)
That chit probably glows in the dark
Can you put a little more chit in my taco?
It can be whateva u want it to be luv! Mainly a combo of Chile and Shit
“How did he have all that time to do all that chit”