To have a clear path, be easy, or Ryan Upchurch's song about tall grass sittin.
We have a steer clear road ahead of us, lets have some fun!
I got this math unit down, the test should be steer clear.
The last song I want to hear before I die, is Steer Clear by Upchurch because it's such a bop!
When some one say something that you can relate to a
I haven't had chicken in a minute {Oh clear)
When you want someone to do something, like listen to your favorite song or follow you on tik tok, and joking u say that if he/ her did it she/ he will have clear skin.
ex: Listen to the new Ariana Grande’s song for clear skin
Follow me for clear skin
Groom the pubes. Shave the pubic region of thick hair.
Rachel needs to clear the jungle. She let it go way too long.
I couldn’t find her clit on that wooly mess. I told her to go clear the jungle and come back to bed.
A Casualty of Clearing (also known as a Clearing Casualty) is a term used in UK universities to refer to someone who is so desperate to go to university that they choose any subject through the UCAS clearing process even when their preferred option is no longer available.
These kinds of students often perform poorly in academic work and/or have little interest in the subject at hand. They eventually end up dropping out from university altogether.
Can be synonymous with a university party animal in many (but not all) cases.
Student 1: Callum was telling me that he chose to do Geology through clearing, but he doesn't seem to be enjoying it at all.
Student 2: He has only attended one lecture and apparently failed all his coursework so far. He told me he is thinking of dropping out.
Student 1: Callum must be a Casualty of Clearing.
A town located in Western Maryland with a high school known for having an abnormally high number of college dropouts.
Joe is from Clear Spring and dropped out of college in the first week of classes four times
The actual definition of this word refers to a pistol clearing (being drawn from) it's leather holster. Got started back in the days when police officers and federal agents still used leather duty holsters
Police Officer 1: Did you hear what happened yesterday? Chuck had to clear leather on a suspect!
Police Officer 2: No shit! What happened?
Police Officer 1: Shots fired, he killed the guy. Apparently he pulled a knife on Chuck
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