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Conspiracy Porn

Noun: Media that feeds a fetish for conspiracy theories; masturbatory video, text, and image content designed to feed conspiracy theorists' addictions to information, fake or real, that confirms their beliefs in one or more, grand or small, conspiracies.

The #EpsteinDidntKillHimself meme was designed by the Illuminati as conspiracy porn to distract people from the fact that Jeffrey Epstein was a character played by an actor who now lives in Israel. The real conspiracy is uncovered on my password restricted podcast, in which I'll let you in on a little known secret that cures cancer, increases IQ, and enlarges the libido (only $59.99/month).

by Dritzfella81 January 12, 2020

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inward conspiracy

the greatest band in the world

lol james ryan is so fit

by barry the mexican June 29, 2004

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Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theory: the fictitious explanation involving mysterious and vague "powers" that are tied to the failures of those afflicted with the delusion. This shifting of blame provides an emotional fulfillment that explains their own failings without requiring difficult introspection and self-assessment. Depending on degree of delusion, it can encompass a secretive plot that includes pretty much everyone that the subject considers adversaries, even on a global scale.

It is an especially pernicious affliction from a clinical standpoint since the arguments are airtight. Every piece of evidence against it will be viewed as an attempt to "misinform the public", and the lack of evidence for it is viewed as a government cover-up since nothing can constitute evidence that the conspiracy is fictitious.

At best, you'll always fail to sway the subject but you can help innoculate others through reason in dialogues and debates, such as the problem of scaling." The Moon landing was a hoax conspiracy, for instance, would requite tens of thousands of co-conspirators who have kept silent through the decades.

Some popular delusions of this variety:

Big Pharma is poisoning our children!
Evolution is a secular plot to take God out of the classroom!
The Moon landing was faked!
Climate change is a hoax to subvert freedom lovers under UN dominion!
Obama's birth certificate is a fraud because he was born in Kenya!
The Sandy Hook massacre was staged by the government to round up our guns!

His conspiracy theory was that lizard-headed alien overlords are responsible for our concern about global warming and no evidence could possibly demonstrate otherwise because he insisted it came from the "overlords" themselves.

by Essar March 7, 2019

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Conspiracy Theorist

A conspiracy theorist is someone who is 1 week to 20 years ahead of the curve.

Sam, "The teacher called George a conspiracy theorist."

Robert, " Nah, he's just 6 months ahead of the curve. We'll see soon that the teacher is downright wrong."

by April 30, 2022

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superlative conspiracy

the conspiracy that states super man had a very small penis and therefore wore tight items of clothing to create the visual allusion that it is bigger than it actually is. hence the female attention he receives through out his super life. What he didn't consider though was the lack of sperm he may now have.

Tony Blair, Superman, Dick Nightingale, The Pope:
A superlative conspiracy is the definition of a person who acts up to compensate for a lack of downstairs penis.

by The Mask of Zorro July 19, 2008

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Conspiracy theory

Conspiracy Theory

An idea that something is not as it seems or has been protrayed.

Facts showing that what we know could be different than what is.

The idea of the earth not being round is a Conspiracy Theory.

by November 9, 2020

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conspiracy fact

A conspiracy that is proven by disclosed documents and visual evidence, thus becomes undeniable.

That project MK Ultra has happened, is a conspiracy fact.

by Thomas Jefferson 1986 November 23, 2019

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