Boonie Cruise: - most often spur-of-the-moment, improviso, unpremeditated.
- going for a drive away from civilization with Family, good friend(s) & Kindred Spirit(s) ;
listening to awesome Tunes having no specific Itinerary, Destination, Time Frame or Game Plan on a lazy day where one has no responsibilities: “no deeds to do, no promises to keep”.
⁃ on the backroads and prairie trails leading to nowhere or to creeks, rivers, lakes,deep lush valleys, high hill tops, ghost towns.
- Down paths taking you to abandoned buildings, haunted houses, old schools, cemeteries, rock formations.
⁃ Exploring geographic and other Anomalies.
- breaking of rules and laws are sometimes involved
⁃ usually no cell service 1/2 the time so if you dont have a good play list downloaded you’re hooped ; or in our younger days some good 8 track tapes, cassettes, CD’s or a decent radio statition to listen to.
Its a beautiful day to ecape and get lost on a Boonie Cruise.
1. coined as the act of waiting till the last day of a cruise to fuck someone cause you know you'll never see them again.
2. a term implemented whenever you bang someone you'll never have to see again.
1. I almost came home from the cruise dry, so enacted the cruise-clause and got wet with some strange on the way home.
3. they were leaving anyway, so I cruise-claused them both.
An extended period of channel surfing when there is absoultly sweet fuck all on television.
There's nothing on tv, Ive been on this channel cruise for hours!
Whats on the tube? channel cruise - Kanye West
The act of men driving around looking for a male prostitute.
Keith and his friends went Larry Cruising last night, cuz they are gay and wanted to have an orgy.
A person who cruises more than 2 times a year. A person who will book a cruise while one one. A person who has taken more than 100 cruises in a lifetime.
I'm loving this cruises so much I just booked one in a month from now and another in four months. This will make me a platinum member of the cruise line. I might just be a Cruise-A-Holic!
The Contemporary new wave of alternative,genre-bending and creative Afro-fusion music
Wow I loved that music, deffo alte cruise type !
Smoking ganja and floating/driving your car.
We buzz cruised all night ya skank.