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Bre cry

When something is so funny that you start uncontrollably laughing while also crying

That video of the girl who says β€œI like sparkly dresses” and then goes HEH was so funny it made me bre cry

by Gangballer March 2, 2020

cry bitch

basically the same thng as a cry baby but instead you replace baby with itch, commonly used with ages 13-30

travis (crying)

Carter: yo dude dont be such a cry bitch

by The Prophet of Ezekiel October 4, 2011

i'm crying

1. Used as a response to something extraordinarily ridiculous and/or funny NOTE: most people are not actually crying when sending this

2. Used as a response to something extraordinarily sad; something that brings you into a sobbing fit NOTE: most people probably are on the verge of tears in this case

1. Person One: "lol check out this gif I made of Phil and Dan"
Person Two: "what is that omg I'm crying"

2. Person One: "check out this fan comic of the death of half of your OTP lol"

by Carvictory95 June 9, 2016

53πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


When you're crying so hard, you can't type properly. This is usually exaggerated to make whoever you're talking to feel bad.

Boyfriend: I think we need to take a break.
Girlfriend: wati arey ou brakeing up wwithme righ now?
Boyfriend: Are you really crying or are you just cry-typing?

by Pickle Farmer December 23, 2012

85πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Cry Closet

A quiet place where one can go to have a little personal time to regroup and compose themselves.

Dan: You really hurt Mark's feelings.

Ry: He'll get over it after a trip to the Cry Closet.

by BigDman July 11, 2013

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Turd Cry

Gas escaping from your rectal cavity from a turd letting you know that it wants to come out.

"What is a fart, but the lonely cry of an imprisoned turd", "This turd is crying to get out", "hold your noses, I just let out a Turd Cry"

by Darth Bawls February 4, 2009

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Crying Lightning

1. A song by the Arctic Monkeys

2. Usually a girl who suddenly starts crying (light how lightning suddenly strikes) to get attention, to be forgiven for something that they have no excuse for or to make people feel sorry for them. They might do it during a break-up, argument ect.
3. A descriptive phrase used to describe a girl who’s crying, cussing her makeup (especially massacre) to run down her face and form patterns that look like lightning bolts.

1. Crying lightning is my favourite song.
2. She always starts to cry lightning when she and her boyfriend are arguing

3. Last night at the party Abbie looked like she’d been crying lightning after her she caught her boyfriend cheating on her

by Hepig June 9, 2018

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