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The best League of Legends ADC the world has ever seen.


by PeepoFinger April 29, 2021


An annoying, dumb retarded bitch. He will never get any girls

Dias: Yo, I have feelings for you
30 girls: ur rlly rlly sweet... but I fucking hate you.

by lollolollolololololoololololol February 28, 2020


Super nice person, SOOO hard working, extremely inclusive (especially to the nervous people), and a great person to have on your team :D

Dia is extremely hard working and nice :D

by November 10, 2021


SUPER NICE. GREAT TO WORK WITH :DD. Super inclusive (especially with the nervous people) creative and just in general a charming person to be with :).

Dia is hard working

by November 10, 2021


oh Look at that girl over there her name is Dia. Dia is a smart and cool girl that no one can compare with she minds her own business and gets into trouble very rarely. She is heavenly and rare to meet your very lucky if you have met a Dia. If you haven't met one well be on the lookout! because you could find yourself a new sweet and friendly Best friend 😊

The name Dia is girl's name of Spanish origin meaning "love; lamp; heavenly; day". A sweet and simple multicultural choice which has several different meanings and origins. Widely used in Africa, it means "love" in Lembaama. It's a variant spelling of Diya, an Arabic, Hindi and Sanskrit name meaning "lamp, light".

by ~DoddessDax~ August 3, 2022


Dia, otherwise known as dubai international academy or dea, is a word to describe people who have a dangerous obsession to harry potter, and are not afraid to kill for him, yikes. They are known to spam and tag ‘harry haters’, aka normal humans, in harry potter themed tik toks in an attempt to convert them. if two words could describe dea’s, it would be, fan behavior.

“ what’s your friends name?”
“oh it’s dia!”
“oh.. stay away”

by kyutie February 9, 2021

myron dias

A Myron Dias is usually the most attractive person you’d ever see. The best thing about them would be their love life with a great chemistry with their girl and a forever lasting love. Their sex game is the strongest in bed and something that would have u wanting more. Their most compatible are Aries and Capricorn’s. There is also a message about how Myron has also met his soulmate which also starts with either a H or A. ( highest possibility of A ) Aries and Myron will have a never ending love with the same goals and will be billionaires in the future. Their time in bed is usually rough and aggressive but very romantic

Omg that’s Myron Dias he’s so romantic with an Aries and will be successful!

by Dr Layla Harmon March 1, 2021