an Australian English term meaning "receiving some form of gov't handouts/welfare assistance".
if your are on the dole, you are most likely abusing the Western state.
An inside joke between the family
"What's for dinner?"
"Bob Dole"
A group of people in county cork, ireland. Usually a (non working, on the dole(social welfare)) single mother and her 3 children. They are poor and part of the
Lumpenproletariat.These individuals buy the cheapest goods and services they can get such as dole haircuts and pep and Co clothes from dealz or super drift tracksuits from the stall behind the coal Quay. Dole heads
Paddy: here comes the dole patrol!
Matt: look them with their dole haircuts and superdrift tracksuits
Paddy: what a bunch of dole heads
When lazy bastards can't get off their arses to work and claim money from the state to fulfil their drug and alcohol addiction.
Keith: What's your plans for the future, Victor?
Victor: I'll just go on the dole I suppose
Keith: OK.............
Doles comes from the word 'indole hallucinogen', which refers to the basic structure of the molecule that is similar to serotonin, which basic structure is call an indole nucleus. These are found in psychedelics such as LSD and Psilocybin.
Dude, I went to Burning Man last weekend, took some doles, and the music was sooooooo groovy.
Doles refers to psychedelics that are indole hallucinogens, due to their basic structure being similar to serotonin, which basic structure is called an indole nucleus. Doles normally refers to LSD or Psilocybin.
Dude, I just came back from Burning Man, and I took so many doles, it was so groovy.