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Gonky doof

When you want to express your amazingness in verbal language in front of a girl by calling another guy this

OMG, you are such a gonky doof!

by DonkeySandwhich January 23, 2020

doof rat

a hippie boy who is a literal drop kick cunt of a person but is lowkey a hottie. a hippie boy

yeah nah she’s with that doof rat

by yourashitcunt September 8, 2020


Something a chick says when she smells something especially stinky to uphold a level of couth and properness.

Instead of saying "DAMN! That shit is RANK!" She'd say "My goodness that's foofie-doof!"

by Jocelynski September 10, 2008

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doof stain

one who is a retard as is doofy from scary movie

when justin timberlake felt jannet jacksons boobs..what a doof stain

by deeeeeedcell March 13, 2009

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Aqua doof

taking a dump in a river or ocean

"i had no toilet paper so i went to the river and took the biggest aqua doof ever."

by mr.marsh September 20, 2008


A broken down, spray painted, foreign vehicle, with no floorboards or wheels.

Guy 1. Why don't you scrap that doof-a-dooter?

Guy 2. Because the junk yard wont accept it.

Guy 1. Oh.

by U know, that guy! December 15, 2009


a doof-doofer is a guy aged roughly early to mid 20s who is obsessed with their car/s.
their top priority is their car/s, their girl/s (see also: bitch, woman, wench) come second.
their car/s, and any subsequent activities such as polishing, updating and racing their car/s will generally take up more time than anything else in their lives.
doof-doofers can generally be seen hanging around petrol stations in the city late at night accompanied by a possible hundred other peers and their cars, racing each other around the city with their full-sick-subwoofers blaring.
the name originates from the sound of their car as it whizzes past, either full of bass (doof, doof, doof) or techno beats (nns, nns, nns)

girl: hey mom i met this really nice guy, he has a super car and we're going for a drive ok?
mom: i don't want any doof-doofers in this family!!

girl1: so whats your new boyfriend like?
girl2: oh you know, he's a bit of a doof-doofer
girl1: ohhhhh...

by shmal November 7, 2005

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