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There’s 2 version of this the good kind and the video kind I’ll explain both of them

Good kind fully valid: this version of dreamsexual isn’t about the YouTuber, the flag has a moon on it with yellow and blue colours and it has other names like Dreamsexual, also known as Sognaresexual and Yumesexual, is when someone only feels sexual attraction during dreams, but rarely or never feels sexual attraction when awake. It is on the asexual spectrum, and the aromantic counterpart is dreamromantic or sognareromantic Vs the bad version

Bad version NOT VAILD!: I don’t even want to type about it! Look down and it’s there gross

Billy! I hear you were dreamsexual your gross!!

What’s wrong with it?

He’s a YouTuber billy! And I thought you were ase sexual!

Oh I am your mistaken it as the bad version to me it means I only have sexual attraction during dreams and not in the real world

Oh… sorry Billy

It’s okay mark

by Doughnut yas May 16, 2022


People with a special condition that causes them to reduced neural function

Dreamsexuals should't exist

by Guy_With_A_Brain March 6, 2022


Someone that's disgrace to society and makes the lgbtq+ community look like a joke they are usually doing fatherless activities such as saying there dreamsexual they like dream and subbed to dream etc

Person 1: dad i came out as a dreamsexual
Person 2: congratulations son but looks like we ran out of milk ill go get some

by Nothing_69 March 22, 2022


What the fuck is wrong with you, did you never get educated that you really had to turn a YouTuber into a sexuality. No go touch some grass you mf,

Son:I’m dreamsexual
Dad:we’re going to the adoption center

by Noah Takanashi November 1, 2021


Fatherless dream stans who think that the term is named after their favorite youtuber Dream, when, in fact, it's just when you only feel attraction to someone while you are dreaming. So, essentially, anyone who says their dreamsexual really isn't because they probably feel enough romantic feelings towards Dream inside and outside of their dreams to kill a herd of elephants. Dream will only ever love them back in their dreams, though. Wake up, people.

Also referred to as Sognaresexual and Yumesexual. If you are actually dreamsexual (not the Dream stan kind), refer to one of those two instead so you don't get shamed on, called 14000 different synonyms for doofus, then ostracized.

Person 1: What's your sexuality?
Person 2: Dreamsexual.
Person 1: Ew....
Person 2: I mean Sognaresexual
Person 1: Oh. phew. Though you were a degenerate.

by dreamsexualisntnamedafterdream March 23, 2022


A common disorder that mostly kids without a father figure are ill with. If someone is dreamsexual, feel free to light them on fire and throw them off a cliff.

Person 1: Hey dudes! im dreamsexual!~

Person 2 & Person 3: …

Person 1s body was found at the bottom of the grand canyon 3 days later

by chez シ July 9, 2022


mental ilness

person 1: im dreamsexual
person 2: *calls 911*

by ionfai0fnd February 15, 2022