Source Code


A person of east coast decent who moved west and lost all sensibilities from the old country... Lives in multiple places in California, travels abroad multiple times a year, eats only the freshest, organic, non gmo, cage free, range free diet while sitting watching jets highlights from 1993

That bitch be trippin yo, his west coast elitist ass ain’t comin back to the motherland without an attitude adjustment..I’m gonna make dat ho pay for a slice at m&s and a coke... you got that right bra!!

by Tony tea bags lopinto January 21, 2019

Anime Sub Elitist

Very hypocritical people that think every dub anime is trash when they haven’t even seen the whole dub. They also call other people dumb or retarded if they mention anything positive about dub anime.

Idiot Anime Sub Elitist: Ewwww why do you watch dub anime, watch sub anime cause it’s better

Normal Person: Ummm it’s literally my preference, i can watch anime however i want to watch it

by Manwhore55 November 25, 2021

62👍 4👎

Elitist Yuppie Scum

A yuppie that has taken his/her obsession with wealth and status to a higher level in which even associating with their definition of poor people is considered dirty and degrading.

Guy A: Man, it's great seeing you guys, been years since college! We should get a hold of Geoff, that dude was the shit!

Guy B: That's not going to work.

Guy C: Yeah, Geoff is elitist yuppie scum now, he won't associate with us "poor folk."

Guy A: Poor? I make like $75,000 a year.

Guy B: Exactly.

by Red001 November 2, 2011

50👍 2👎

Video Game Elitist

A person who believes he is better than everyone just because he plays games that are underrated and unpopular.

These types of Elitists think they know how game design works, and sometimes they pretend to know what they're talking about, but they just spit out random facts and criticisms that they themselves know make no sense but still say to boost their ego.

Video Game Elitists are commonly known to be narcissistic and douchey. They outright disrespect the opinions of others, try way too hard to be "different," and think that they're of a higher position just because they think they're "different."

Paul: Thomas just made fun of me for being a fan of Undertale...

Adrian: Man, Thomas is such a Video Game Elitist

by BrosifJoseph May 23, 2017

39👍 8👎

Video Game Elitist


Video game elitists are impotent, socially retarded fucksticks who honestly believe, with sincerity, that being able to push buttons and make simulated shit happen with any skill, is impressive to anyone over the age of eight and with an I.Q. higher than "drug testing chimp...'s post-flung shit".

In general, elitists of any kind, just standing around, are pathetic. It really should be legal, that if you saw an elitist, out assholing around town (or whatever they do) you could just wallop the bastard out of them for a good free minute, before being arrested and hauled off to court, where, you would receive a slap on the wrist. And by "slap on the wrist", I mean dinner for two at your choice of local, mid-range sit-down eateries.

In fact, the judge should award you a handful of Mrs. Fields cookies and hardy thank you for a job well done.
"You're doing God's work, Elitist basher!!!"

A -video game- elitist is so shitty, that they should, pretty much, be beaten all day long.
They should roll out of bed...directly into someone's fist and, the beating should last from that moment, to about the time they're knocked unconscious at night (after a long, hard day of "owning nubs", "pwning scrubs" and defecating into an official, limited edition, Unreal Tournament 3 Leet Helper "shitting bucket".

Video Game Elitist example that I was too tired, stupid and/or apathetic to write.

by Lig Na Baste March 1, 2009

216👍 82👎

OG SMG4 Elitist

A breed of Highly Vocal, and Nostalgic Blinded SMG4 Fans who hate the Modern SMG4 Content and think their tastes in Content is better than the Current Fans taste in Content. This has led to lots of Rants, Attacking the Each side for Having Opinions , Toxicity.

OG SMG4 Elitist:”Why do you like this content?. the classic Content is way better than this Trash”.

by RZ12 August 5, 2023

4👍 4👎

Video Game Elitist

A person(s) who is better than most at a particular video game or games, due to their knowledge of the game, boss mechanics and item locations.
They also like to play games at low levels as they are superior beings in every way.

Only called an elitist by scrubs who have no real knowledge of game mechanics, run around in gank squads and are unable to beat a game at a twink level or lower without being carried.

Scrub: ***** is such a mean (video game) elitist prick.

**** made fun of my maximum level build, Twink runners are psychopathic video game elitist cunts

by We are Elite May 10, 2019

6👍 28👎