The act of holding on to two corners of a sheet or towel, snapping it in the air and letting it float gently to the bed/ground.
I floofed the top sheet when I made the bed.
a random word I came up with
i like to floof my pillows
*floof, floof, floof*
Noun/Adjective- An onomatopoeic word describing the sound of a brief gust of wind blowing past your ear and also defining the gust itself, often caused by something which can be described with the primary definition of the word.
When I spread out my comforter, it goes floof.
The word Floof is a term used to describe a woman’s vagina. It’s a friendly terminology to drop into conversation between friends, without bringing down the demeanour of the conversation and from an outsider’s ear, can’t be interpreted as a woman’s privates.
“My floof has been really itchy”
“My floof had a good seeing to last night”
“My floof is ready for some action”