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yplm movement

YOGA Pants Lives Matter

Hello 911 someone parked too close to my house on the street!

While shopping for my organic food and drinking my $12 juice I rock yoga pants and my life matters. YPLM Movement

by Laughing or Leaving January 18, 2020

Gladiator Movement

A movement that seeks to promote the activity of people fighting as gladiators and to make gladiator fighting legal.

most of the people being made to fight would be criminals ans other undiserables. And also anyone else could fight as a gladiator if the want too.

The fighting would most often be in a converted football stadium and some modern weapons would would be added to the games,like chain saws ect.

Also in keeping with ancient Roman tradition if a gladiator won a certain number of games they would be freed.

Support the gladiator movement.

by Judge dredd7 June 5, 2011

The S.I.R Movement

Smart.Intresting.Real people who Speak intelligently,and shows class to Everyone who deserves it.

The S.I.R Movement isnt for everyone.

by MDiamondz January 17, 2015

Movement shooters

shooting games where you have a high degree of control of how your character moves around the world.
Basically parkour but with pew pew.

Games like these that you should check out are:
Get to the orange door

"Search up devilmayquake.com and see where it leads you"
-FUNKe 2021

Dude 1 "Yoo you should try out these hand full of Movement shooters there really good!
Dude 2 "sure"

by PizzaBagel69420 March 2, 2022

DaLady's Movement

This has been going on since 1993. It's a movement for the 1st Black Cherokee Woman President of the United States. The woman who started this movement is named DaLady legally.

DaLady's Movement made our madam President finally Cherokee.

This is my first time hearing about DaLady's Movement.

DaLady's Movement has a hashtag that looks super great.

by Ocki March 10, 2019

psycosomatic movement

The unintentional (psycosomatic) movent of one body parts, such as, arms or legs.

The movement of ones body parts , without intenionally wanting them to move.

To really do something "not" on purpose.

"It was purelly Unintentional Psycosomatic Movement"

Owe!! I bit my toungue again!

"Sorry Mom!" "I didn't really mean to do that! It was purely unintentional."

It was an accident. Mom.
I didn't really do it on purpose.

by K.C. Meadows February 11, 2012

F.A.F Movement


post a natural picture of yourself and hashtag it #F.A.F Movement. Lets see your natural beauty!

by Cat M. March 4, 2021