woah, nessโ mom is the definition of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.
4๐ 23๐
Is that what they are doing to me at work Patrick?
Hym "Using Vietnam war government gaslighting to silence a dissident and try to convince me to... What? Murder children? Not murder children? Who ARE these fucking psychologist working for you? You know that shit isn't going to get me to think differently, right? Let me ask you something: do you understand the difference between overt and covert? It's not going to make me surrender. I'm not going to stop. If you wanted me to stop or surrender the money would be in a bank account that I and I alone have access to and I would have already sent that money on antibiotics assuming that what you are doing doesn't obstruct my ability to receive care. Which I don't. I don't assume that. I haven't spent any money. And I would be getting for my contributions. Which means when I watch Rick and Morty, MY NAME scrolls across the screen when the credits roll. When people talk about AI MY NAME would be brought up in relationship why I works now when it didn't before. Those 2 things are THE ONLY things that will end this. And it's hard to call that surrender."
This is when a person tells you what qualities you have, personality traits, etc. It can also be applied when someone's talking to someone else. It's even more harmful if the thing that's being said is simply untrue, and the person doing it has no idea what the person likes or enjoys.
Person: "I wanted to go skiing with your brother, but I don't know if he enjoys it"
Qualitative Gaslighter: "He loves skiing, I'll go and tell him to go with you"
The brother feels as though he now needs to portray this personality trait. Qualitative Gaslighting
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I got ratio gaslighted in an argument on reddit.
Community tries to psychologically torture someone into being sorry and walking back their words... I'm not. Nor will I ever be.
Hym "Tries to gaslight and rob into doing it. I'm not ever doing to do it. That's what you'd LIKE me to do but I'm not getting the credit or the money I would require to do it AND... Even if I had it, I STILL wouldn't take it back as I AM CORRECT. You don't deserve any sympathy. You are sacrificing my freedom for safety THAT I CONTROL. I CONTROL WHETHER OR NOT YOUR KIDS ARE SAVE AND THIS A DESPERATE AND PATHETIC ATTEMPT TO TORTURING ME TO DELUDE YOURSELVES INTO BELIEVING I DON'T. It IS and always has been a breeder racket and FOR DOIKG SHIT LIKE THIS... YOU DESERVE TO HAVE YOUR CHILDREN MURDERED UNTIL YOU LEARN TO STOP. It's hilarious that I have to explain it to you. You'd think with all of the school shootings you would have figured it out by now. A desperate attempt at clawing back control you won't ever have. You will fail and I will not. The sooner you accept that, the safer your kids will be."
to be be gaslit
Bro, I'm never believing you again you gaslighted me.
When someone borrows your car and then the next time you use it the low gas light goes on.
(starts car) Susan gaslighted me again! There was half a tank in there yesterday!!