Gog Day - Is a celebration of the monkey known as gog, it is a popular monkey on Tenor GIFS. On this day people are obliged to post the Gog on discords or social media websites.
Gog can stand for; God of Gorilla.
Josh: Hey, you know it’s Gog Day?!
Derick: I better get going then! Time to spam this on all my Reddit’s!
Publicly urinating in a trash can.
Chris got arrested the other day for Jimmy-Gogging in the trash can outside the bar.
getting absolutely juice pulp shidded on in tf2 by goggy otherwise known as substrate
goggy: gogged
you’ve done something you can’t change and you’ll be in trouble
dude i left the door open and my dog got away im so gogged
Giving a mean mug out the side of the googles you are wearing.
Did you see him give me side gogs while standing in line at the deli?