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Giving me grief

Cause someone unwanted annoyances or problems

He was giving me grief about missing work.

by cjenlee914 February 7, 2019

Prolonged grief disorder

Prolonged grief disorder (PGD) is a mental disorder consisiting a clearly separated set of symptoms following death of close one. Symptoms include Depression, Emotional pain, Loneliness, Identity disturbance. Difficult accepting loss is also common. No guarantee onset of PGD. Known risk factors include one-time incidents: Miscarriage, Death either by homicide or suicide, Death in hospital. Long-term predictors include: Childhood separation anxiety, Parental abuse, Emotional dependency. Tricyclic antidepressants alone or together with interpersonal psychotherapy ineffective in reducing PGD symptoms, and psychotherapy designed specifically for PGD has been proven to be beneficial.

Or in typical urban dictionary fashion: Prolonged grief disorder is a mental disorder where a player is destroying player's bases and stuff for their own pleasure

by Notmelol123 May 28, 2022

Grief Blower

A woman who goes to funerals to blow men's grief away

My mom died and I was really sad but then this grief blower came and gave me head behind the pew and suddenly I didn't feel so bad

by pitterpatter42069 November 4, 2022

Grief/tragedy/sympathy industry

The industry that wants control of all sides of the story, therefore the media claims to tell all sides of the story and be on everyone's side.

What the media and grief/tragedy/sympathy industry won't tell people is how on their own they really are, and how the industry doesn't give a fuck about them, it's a machine that depends on them to keep running.

by The Original Agahnim September 28, 2021

Grief/tragedy/sympathy industry

An industry that pretends to be on your side, rooting for you instead of the events that make the industry possible (storms, crime, death, accidents, bad news).

The grief/tragedy/sympathy industry is a business, not a friend.

by Solid Mantis October 9, 2020

Closet Grief

The person you were in the closet was a skin you needed to shed in order to grow, but that knowledge doesn't stop you from grieving them, missing them, and who you were when they were you. Try not to punish yourself for that fondness. You are allowed to love the people you have been, just as you are allowed to love the person you are.

"Hey, are you okay?"
"Just feeling some closet grief today, thanks for asking. I'll be okay once I listen to some Robyn."

by j4ckalope February 4, 2022

Grief/tragedy/sympathy/hope industry

A cynical industry where you hear the same kinds of stories and lines over and over to the point that it's a joke that isn't funny (the false hope and optimism sky is going to fall again tomorrow industry).

Person that survived storm- As long as nobody gets hurt, I don't care if I lose everything else.

Grief/tragedy/sympathy/hope industry Reporter- That sounds convincing.

5 years later after recovering from loss of loved one the person gets to thinking and it hits them- As horrible as it makes me sound, too horrible to put on TV, though nothing will hit as hard as me losing a loved one or an animal, I really do miss that couch and TV, even if I got another one. It sounds inhuman of me, and yet deep down anyone else would miss their shit at times if they lost it, even if they didn't tell anyone that they did. If they didn't miss their shit, they wouldn't get a house to put it in, but if they did get a house and wouldn't miss their shit, they'd live in an empty house, since nothing would be sacred there. If people are being honest with themselves and true to life, they also miss material things even if they miss the living things more.

by The Original Agahnim December 14, 2021