The best couple there is out there. Literally no one like these to together, they always do the same stuff when hanging out but it’s just as fun as the last. Most likely never get tired of each other. And are 100% true to one another
Wow Devin and Haylee are gonna be together forever huh?
Let’s just say these two flirt a lot! When with each other...
Damn Devin and haylee are flirting again
Let’s just say whenever theses people are with each other they for a lot more fun then with anyone else and they always laugh!
Dang Devin and haylee are laughing again...
Looks like the croods daughter. And is a royal bitch to everyone.
The inspiration for the croods daughter was haylee kepner .
The type of girl to always hate how she looks even if people say she’s beautiful. She has a lot of mental issues that no one knows about. She is very loyal to her boyfriends but they often are very toxic toward her. She has a lot of family issues and never talks about them. Haylees are often very hard to be friends with and they often don’t have many friends. If you get Haylee to open up to you, your luck. Haylee Gregg’s often have blonde hair and blue eyes. Haylee often never cares about what she wears.
Dude: bro did you see Haylee Gregg? Eww!
Haylee Moloney is Keegan Moloney’s wife after they have been dating throughout middle school and high school but after they graduate they live happily ever after together
The cutest, most warm girl ever. Has a nice body and is pretty sexy.
Wowzers Haylee Rossman is so hot! kudos to you Leland!