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bee hive attack

So this is like an attack that you do irl, basically to perform this attack you get a bee hive and smack it on top of your enemy and shout "Bee hive attack!" the person should get scared or angry but the beehive's actualy empty and only contains honey so it wont be THAT bad.

And for your hair? sticky...

"BEE HIVE ATTACK" *Smacks bee hive on persons name back* "HEY!"

"Don't worry man, it's empty, the honey might get sticky though... "DUDE-"


by @No.one.asked. April 26, 2023


When someone puts a bee and or wasp nest on someone else's penis as a joke and or revenge.

John- Oi mate I pissed me ex off yeh
Matt- ah shite did she do any hasty action mate
John- ell yeh, oi got peen-hived over sleep
Matt- oh Christ mate, ur gonna be itching at cha knickers for reals lad

John- how can I not mate, bloody sue me

by Ranby cabbage November 9, 2018

Whore Hive

Whore Hive a building or area of town full of Whores

We were in the red light district and had entered a whore hive, it was wall to walls whores

by brushnz February 5, 2022

Relationship Hive

A large area with a large quantity of relationships currently active!
Gay, and Bi are included!

Dude that school is such a Relationship Hive!

by SilentFissure November 11, 2017

hive up

To take your mining hardware to the next productivity level by starting to use one or multiple Hiveon products (e.g., Hiveon OS, Hiveon ASIC Firmware)

My dude, you can’t keep driving back and forth between your farm and your house. Hive up and manage your shit remotely.

by beeholder May 19, 2023

hive up

(as opposed to hive off) to bring together, especially in a burst of activity.

Jo said to hive up the activity with a burst of loud music

by righter March 30, 2010

HIVE Operation

Mobile sister of the police "Sting Operation", the "HIVE ('High-tech Intensive Virtual Espionage') Operation", also popularly known as "Gang Stalking", is characterized by limitless citizen drones sent out by the police to pose a hazardous encounter of generally disenfranchising interference to a totally random target, analogous to a stirred "hive" of hornets; presumably with the only goal of extrajudicial killing. Supported by all faculties of the cowardly, animalistic, mindless, hypocritical present US government. They have GPS-tracking and interference devices that rival past science fiction, and are as of yet not declassified to the general US public, but informally handled with the cooperation of quasi-citizens'-patrol-type plants against designated marks; most likely generally dispersed upon excuse to greater brutality immediately post-9/11. They are even audaciously conspicuous to the point of lacking any plausible deniability as well, motivated solely by brainlessness and brazen apishness.

"A HIVE Operation is nothing short of a FUBAR quagmire with the cops; and a pseudo-oligarchical general assault upon the American public. Badge or badger, you can't tell the difference. A dangerous covert precedent that cannot be tolerated."

by Ubermensch-One December 7, 2023