Ranked in same class as 1 crazy bitch robin hols.
Katie Irene is a crazy bitch.
Robin hols is the 1 crazy bitch.
Katie Irene is a crazy bitch.
Robin hols is the 1 crazy bitch.
Together they are 2 crazy bitches.
In reference to Me, Myself and I-(rene).
A way to express the character of a very, VerY Narcissistic person.
Wife says to Husband in a scuffle "I don't usually hit girls, but you are the exception, Irene."
Followed perhaps by some sort of a blow to either person.
She's your ride or die girl. She's the friend that everyone wishes they had. She is quiet when you first get to know her but once she trusts you she will open up her world to you. What a beautiful world it is.
Irene just gave me the biggest hug. Man I needed that.
The girl soulja boy is talking about in the song Soulja Boy - "Zan With That Lean" Part 2 "JUiCE MiXTAPE 4.20! best groupie ever
I'm in my zan with the lean
Nuthin but Irene
Irene is usually a tiny little girl who is always tanking care of her good friends, she will always look after her loved ones and for the disadvantaged people.
She is pretty, funny and warm.
If you ever are lucky enough to meet an Irene, take good care of her, buy het a ton of chocolate and feed her with a lot of pasta.
Irene can get very stressed if she doesn’t sleep well
Aidan “Goddamn check out irene over dere she bad as hell”
Xavier”yuh thats one irene tbh”