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trash. they kill ppl for more land. BOYCOTT MCDONALDS, STARBUCKS, ETC!

boy: from the map? sure!!
girl: wtf do u mean?
boy: israel is shit, its also a pick me i mean, js LOOK AT ITS NAME! it says is real they try so hard js to be real even though they arent. they also kill ppl living in gaza for land, ALL THE WAY FROM 1940s.

girl: oh, my parents say the opposite.... ill look it up..
1 min later...
girl: oh, ur right...
boy: told ya, lets do what we gotta do.
girl: yess

by p0oki3b3@r January 18, 2024

23πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž


Barging into someone’s legitimate home and insisting they leave because β€œit’s your right”.

"I have the right to force you to leave. I'm Israeling you."

by YANOW November 19, 2023

1πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Although israel is accepted as a state by some western countries, it did not exist before 1948, neither did israelis, prior to 1948 they were called Palestinians.

Isaelites are not israelis; israelites were not jews either.

When Persia conquered and designated the area as jehud, they eventually allowed israelites that were in exile to return, these israelites then became jehudites.
This is where the word jew comes from and not before the end of the 6th century, even still it's a technical term having to do with living in jehud; the word jew doesn't become an ethnic term for quite some time.

Ashkenazi (Indo-European) jews are not Semites and have no genetic link to the land of Palestine. The ashkenazi converted to judaism after Arab jews migrated north into Europe.

In the largest genomic study of ashkenazi jews, their origins trace back to four primeval villages in north-east Turkey. The ashkenazi jews began relocating from ancient Ashkenaz to the Khazar Empire to expand their mercantile operations and the demise of Khazaria led to the ashkenazi splitting into two groups – some remaining in the Caucasus and others migrating into eastern Europe and Germany.

The two groups still called themselves ashkenazi, however the name became more strongly associated with Germany and the European group, for whom yiddish became their primary language.

The original jews were Arabs (Semites) from the area now known as israel, a.k.a. Occupied Palestine.

Only those that practice judaism are jews. Once you change your religion or become an atheist, you are no longer a jew.

by Peace to israel January 12, 2024

71πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž



people: israel is trash >0<
me: yes

by water down water November 13, 2023

1πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Israel in other words the holy land. Is a sacred land to the Jewish people as well as other religions like Christianity. Israel was the promised land to the Jewish people by god. The Jewish people have been through thousands of years or displacement, antisemitism, extermination and slavery. The Jews have been in the land of Israel since the biblical days (BCE) and were exiled during many different rulings but have returned to their rightful home through numerous times in history.

The land of Canaan has been the kingdom of Israel, Babylonia, 12 tribes of Israel, JUDEA and Samaria and then most recently Palestine during the British occupation ( British mandate Palestine). The name Palestine was in order to anger and taunt the Jews which is why during the mandate the land was called Palestine (א Χ™) the Hebrew writing stand for β€œEretz Israel” which translates to land of Israel. You can find that on every official document, passports and birth certificates printed during that time. The Jews and the Arabs living in Mandate Palestine were both against the occupation of the British. In 1948 the land was finally returned to the Jewish people and this time made official. The world then recognized Israel as an official and legal state in 1948. The one and only piece of land in the entire world that is for the Jewish people. Fortunately Israel will continue to thrive and flourish regardless of the hate and animosity it continues to get from the outside world!

One day all the Jewish people in the world will return to Israel because it is their home.

Israel is the promised land of and for the Jewish people.

Jews and the children of Israel.

The most beautiful country in the world is Israel.

Israel is home.

by PeacefulHomeland December 13, 2023

113πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


A country that was terrorized by evil Palestinians AKA Hamas on October 7th 2023.

Did you know that Palestine kidnapped and killed over 1k people in Israel?

by ilikeorangesandbananas September 15, 2024

344πŸ‘ 214πŸ‘Ž


(v) taking someone's property and saying it is theirs

Hey, he israeled my book yesterday

by ItsRayyan December 18, 2023

53πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž