Skeen flavored jellybeans. Used as a common phrase in London especially North London, in Hackney, Brixton, all the deprived areas..
Teacher: Tell us a rhyme Grace?
Grace: Skeen Skeen Jellybean!
Teacher: Full Marks! :)
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Melted jellbean is a term used to describe the head & face of a particularly unnatractive female. This label applies in particular to those with deformed features.
See: Fetus
John1: HAHAHAHA, check that out!
John2: WOW!
John1&John2: *snigger**snigger* Melted Jellybean! *snigger**snigger*
Random Ranga: Hey guys!
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To achieve successful female orgasm, usually accompanied by loud moans or screams, through finger stimulation of the clitoris—often after a long day of skiing or snowboarding
Rex: "Bro what happened to you and Emily when we all hit the hot-tub after the slopes?"
Chad: "Dude, I gave her a great Après-Ski Jellybean Scream when I hit her clit with my famous finger diddle."
Among us is a mafia jellybean game where you try to find the impostor but it has pedophiles,teaming, and annoying hosts.
The game is completely overrated now its just impossible to play in public lobbies,
If your with friends its fun but the public lobbies are a whole different story.
You got people named "Daddy" probably like 76 years old in real life, Then you have people who can't even win and their need their friends to join the public lobby since their incredibly bad, they will prob die in the first meeting of the game. We also have hosts of these public lobbies some are decent hosts, But some are just 8 year olds who got mad they lost as imposter and kick them, the kick and ban is very abusive because, If you give people power they will just use it against people and its just painful to endure. theirs also some terms that have been used a lot in Among us like sus, and impostor. This game has been getting more watched on twitch than the previous huge game Fall Guys, Fall guys is a battle royal of course a completely ORIGINAL CONCEPT that has never been used by any game. Everyone has heard of online dating right, like Roblox online dating, Minecraft online dating, well seems like Among us also has online dating yeah is sounds crazy but it exists for some reason. They usually have names like "Daddy" or "Mami"
or their reals names for some reason theirs also people who are SEARCHING FOR PEOPLE on among us to date
Overrated Jellybean Mafia Game
the green llama thing that gallops through the fields freely
corneilious raped frankie one too many times
corneilious enjoys spending time with carol and galloping in fields together
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When someone puts their ass cheeks over a clit and squishes it in between.
Last night when Gary went all ride the jellybean I almost came but then he farted.
When you try to puff the butt of a cigarette and accidentally inhale it, thus chewing on a shitty jellybean
Guy: Dude hurry, our smoke break is almost up.
Dude: I just had a Detroit Jellybean, we’re good.