Very sweet that loves to kiss and have sex with his girlfriend and deals drop gs with his good old pals
Person 1 where’s Jordy
Person 2 he’s hanging with his friends
A 16 Yearold fucker, a manipulative asshole that should be wiped from the earth
That twat jordy fucked another 16 year old
a freckled youtube who's like five and annoying
person: ew, you watch Jordie bean?
person 2: I know lmao, it's bad
When your cute Jordy boyfriend does something adorable, incredible, worth of praising, hot or all of the above. How to identify it? First of all, your boyfriend HAS to be named Jordan and be an INTJ. This is strictly requiered for the Internal Jordy Panick to take place. Secondly, as your Jordy does something amazing, you'll get a tingling sensation in your stomach, and will immediately want to hug him or kiss him, or even fuck him, or all of the above. And just shower him with love until
"My boyfriend just made such a brilliant obeservation. I'm having an internal Jordy Panick"
jordie-rose is a tall girl, shes a girl everyone loves but when you get to know her she can be a lier she also backstabs people but in the end all the guys fall for her. she has a pretty pimpled face
oh thats jordie-rose shes beautiful
a backstabber and a lier but all guys fall for her even though shes ugly and has pimples