Source Code

Kiki Kannibal

LoveBites and Bruises in disguise.

Kiki Kannibal: Please buy my $400 plastic shapes so that I can spend it on adding more hair extenstions to my bleached straw hat hair.

by jallyjojo December 4, 2007

1045๐Ÿ‘ 345๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kieran (Kiki)

Kieran (short form Kiki) the most sweetest boy u will ever see. His eyes remind u of the ocean and he has the calmest voice in the world. Kieran is the most perfect man u will ever see and the way his mind works will amaze u everyday. Iโ€˜m the luckiest girl since I have my own Kieran (Kiki)

D: Who is that?
L: Thats my Kieran (Kiki)
D: lucky u
L: Yes Kieran my man

by IloveKiki April 19, 2023

25๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dirty Kiki

To add tzatziki sauce to a woman's piss flaps so you have a gyro vaginwich.

I was about to go down on her, but figured I'd spice things up by having a Dirty Kiki.

by SmashingBlumpkins2020 April 6, 2020

20๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kiki Stockhammer

Cool redhead that was spokesperson for NewTek's Video Toaster in the 90's and totally hot!

Today she has a punk band called Warp 11 and is still totally hot!

Kiki Stockhammer is totally hot!

by Outwest December 29, 2006

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

kiki kannibal

a myspace scene queen, famous for adding just about everyone she saw and joining about a million trains. any slightly disrespectful comments to her pictures, and your blocked. she was banned from myspace for putting up a nude picture of herself her ex put up first, which doesn't really make sense in the matter of things but hey, that's kiki for you.

kiki kannibal has her own jewelry line called kikikouture, and the cheapest they go is fourty dollars plus shipping. it's rumoured that her jewelry isn't half as good as people say it is, that it's just plastic and is usually broken when it arrives. then again, there are numerous people that adore kiki kouture and openly obsess over it. in reality though, it's easy enough to find the same shapes for five or six dollars in hot topic.

kiki kannibal gets a lot of crap about everything, so you really can't blame her if she's a bit... bitchy. she claims to have brought the horizontal stripe back, but many people claim that she copied audrey kitching. some people say she and her sister koti copy hannabeth and audrey kitching's poses, but i don't see the resemblence.

after she was kicked off of myspace, kiki took up stickam and is on usually about daily. she goes live a lot, and watching her videos can either be hilarious or a cause of brain deteriation.

all in all, there are a million different veiws on kiki kannibal. personally, i think she's just a girl who's been overly praised and torn apart, making her ego kind of blown up.

xxlolsxx: i watched kiki kannibal live the other day. it was hilarious.

lesslols: i thought she was really stupid. she and her sister are messed up.

by sheabby November 3, 2008

214๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kiki Kannibal

A stupid ignorant scene poser that claims to bring back social and popular things that people ALREADY do. Someone feed her a cheeseburger.

TRU3$C3N3GiRL: I just did my hair! I love it, i'm so more scene than Kiki Kannbial!

xsuicidexnailax: You are like Kiki Kannibal! Your a stupid poser that needs to get her own style and stop wasting her time trying to do something because everyone else is.

by MOREXRADXTHANXYOU September 6, 2008

515๐Ÿ‘ 253๐Ÿ‘Ž

kiki kannibal

A self-hyped internet celebrity who is compared with the likes of Audrey Kitching and other scene queens. She often is seen with another "scene" model, Dakota Rose.

At one time, Kiki sported extensions in her hair with big brown (horizontal) stripes on her bangs and throughout her hair. She's infamous for claiming to bring back "scene stripes" and was notorious for her big bat jewelry.

She's mostly adored by pre-teens and hated by true scenesters.

ximadinorawrrrx: Wow girl, your hair is so Kiki Kannibal!

lykeiizsosc33n: AW thanxz! I thought it was uber rad too!

moreradxcorethanyourmom: Ugh, KK is such a poseur. Grow up kids.

by candywarhol___x October 23, 2007

483๐Ÿ‘ 265๐Ÿ‘Ž